Every year there is a new and hot promise and wedding ring out. There will be couples that find these while browsing online or they will see the marketing ads going across online or through email marketing. However, almost every year there are certain patterns that seem to be timeless.
For southern and country and western couples then trends change a little bit but for the most part the patterns are very similar or timeless one might say. One of the patterns that defines the south and country people is the hunting or fishing pattern in many different shades of camo. There is snow which is white, blaze which is orange, traditional camo which is a brown and green multicolor pattern, purple that many people identify with the Muddy Girl pattern and then this newest design is called midnight which is black with the leaves and the trees. But of all of these the most ordered pattern in camouflage in pink.
Therefore when country boys are looking to get engaged to their country girls camo inlay rings are one of the most sought after rings. The promise ring for her is typically a 6mm to 8mm ring in width. There are many metals to choose from but the premium metals are tungsten and titanium. Some will buy sterling silver but finding a complete silver ring and not just plated can be difficult.
Those that want country camo inlays on their rings also tend to be very active people. This is important since tungsten is probably the most durable metal of the rings. They will not scratch, fade, dent, chip, or break. This is great for the men’s wedding bands as well. Being durable and holding its luster is just a few of the characteristics of the tungsten based metal rings. Titanium is also a good choice however many companies will really try to jack the price up on women’s camo promise ringssince these rings should not be overly expensive for the size and inlay. The average price of a quality tungsten ring should be anywhere from 40 to $80. There are companies that will try to charge much more for the inlay promise rings and many customers will pay it since they believe that the quality will be higher but truthfully most $45 tungsten rings are made from the premium tungsten.
Good luck in choosing a great couples or camo promise ring for her. There are a lot of great choices and patterns that are shipped from inside the USA and not overseas.