
Signs That Your Indoor Air Purifier Is Not Working as Intended

If you think you might not need an indoor air purifierwhere you live or work, you might want to think again. Air quality is not something people think about daily, but it affects us in many ways. Every year, many people fall prey to the many effects of unclean air. Urban environments like the city of Singapore and many major cities around the world have poorer air quality. We attribute the decrease in air quality to various pollutants and emissions produced by normal human activity and living. Structures, products and vehicles like car fumes, factory smoke, and more can contribute to pollution.

Indoor spaces in cities are not much different. Sometimes, air quality indoors is worse. Your home is still exposed to outdoor pollutants every time you open the entrance and let air inside. The bad news about letting outdoor air in is that when you shut your doors, air can circulate in your indoor areas, collecting dust and other pollutants that turn into the air you breathe. You expose yourself to dust, dirt, debris, and other pathogens that can cause harm to your body.

Air pollution is a fact of life in major cities, and is mostly unavoidable. However, it is not something we should tolerate. Lower air quality is responsible for several chronic illnesses and conditions. It can affect our physical, mental, and even emotional health. When we are exposed to it for too long, it can wreak havoc on our bodies.

You have the means to keep you, your family, or any residents of your space safe. A home air purifier in Singapore is a device that provides clean air. Cleaner air means healthier and longer lives. With an air purifier, you have maximum protection against airborne health risks.

What do air purifiers do?

If you have observed air purifiers operating at work, then it might appear that they do not appear to do much. Effective air purifiers are mostly silent and do not provide any visible changes to their environment. In reality, their presence makes a huge difference in the air quality of your households. The most powerful hospital-grade air purifiers can remove a majority of fine particles floating in the air. Some are specifically for people with allergies– developers design some air purifying devices to combat asthma and allergies.

An air purifier is a device that can filter or eliminate contaminants in the air. Air filtration depends on the type and model of the air purifier. A HEPA air purifier relies on a fine mesh filter to trap and capture particles. An ultraviolet air purifier uses ultraviolet rays to remove harmful viruses and bacteria, which is great for sterilisation. An ionic air filter uses negatively charged ions to stick to airborne particles and remove them from the air.

Whether you need it for the home or office, an air purifier in Singaporewill improve your quality of life. The events of the recent pandemic have made it clear to us that we should invest in assets that can protect our health.

Sings that your air purifier may need repair services


A working air purifier is silent or nearly silent as it accomplishes its tasks. When something goes wrong with your air purifier, you might not notice it at first. Do not ignore the problem– the longer your air purifier retains the issue, the longer you expose yourself to unclean air. Do not forget to regularly inspect your air purifier so you can detect problems while they are still minute.

See some signs that tell you that you might need to call a repairman for your air purifier (or replace it altogether).

1) There is something wrong with your air filter

If you own a HEPA air purifier, quickly check the air filter. Sometimes, all you need to do is replace the air filter or clean it if you are not getting the same air quality as before. Inspect your filters regularly to see any patterns. If your filters do not look as dirty as they did the previous times, it might indicate that your air purifier is failing to work the way it should.

2) The air purifier makes buzzing, humming, or other strange noises

Many brands design their indoor air purifier to work quietly. If it suddenly starts to make loud noises, there might be something wrong with its machinery. You have no choice but to reach out to a professional repairman to fix the problem. You might want to check if your air purifier is still under warranty, to reduce the costs of your repairs. For older models, this is a  sign that you should replace your air purifier entirely, as this problem is difficult to address.

3) The air purifier consumes too much electricity

After several months of use, you can gauge the average electricity that your air purifier should consume. There may be something wrong with it if you can see an upward trend in electricity consumption regarding your air purifier. Alternatively, older models of air purifiers are less efficient with power consumption. Their modern counterparts are much more energy-efficient. Energy efficiency is enough reason to switch to another air purifier.

4) The air purifier test confirms your suspicions

If you want to know if your air purifier is not doing its job, you should invest in an air quality test. You can purchase a testing kit or measure your indoor air quality using a metre. If your spaces don’t pass the test, your air purifier is broken.

The perfect air purification systems can help you lead a happier and healthier life. Purlife Company helps you protect your health and wellness by providing a selection of air purifier products and services. Learn more about how you can buy the perfect air purifier in Singapore.