There are different types of baby strollers such as full-sized baby strollers, light-weight baby strollers or umbrella baby strollers, jogging baby strollers, double baby strollers, car seat carrier and travel system. If you are looking for a baby stroller which will continue till the toddler years of your baby, buy the full-sized stroller. The full-size strollers are bigger in size as well as sturdier and are considered durable in comparison to other types of strollers. You can get numerous types of full-size strollers provided you visit a versatile baby stuff store like PinkiBlue baby storewhich will offer you varieties of models of full-size strollers as well as other types of baby strollers to choose the best and appropriate for your preference.
The full-size baby strollers are equipped with numerous features beginning from nifty bells to whistles and many more. They are wide with-well-padded seat and very comfortable. The features of full-size strollers include deep seat recline, option for mounting the seat rear-facing or forward-facing, option for attaching the car seat, convertible design which grows with the baby such as it can be used for the new born with car seat or bassinet and for toddlers up to the weight of 50 pounds, canopies which can be expandable, sturdy tires and shock absorbing suspension, roomy basket for safe storage, telescoping handlebars, nice-to-haves which is like a snack tray.
The lightweight or umbrella baby strollers through lack features in comparison to full-sized strollers, they are easy on-the-go. The umbrella strollers weigh hardly 15 pounds or even less than that and are designed basically for easy portability. Some umbrellas strollers even come with shoulder straps for the sake of convenient portability. You can easily fold it while going on a flight or stash it easily in a trunk when travelling on a bus or train. The lightweight baby strollers come with various features such as partial seat recline, storage basket, expandable canopy, and snack tray or cupholder which is inbuilt.
The jogging stroller is one of the most useful and popular baby strollers with comparatively superior suspension which will allow you to walk or jog or hike but keep the baby comfortable. Some jogging strollers come with swivel front wheel for extra flexibility which can be also further fixed to keep stable at a higher speed. You can also keep it compatible with a car seat along with other features such as deep reclining seats, storage baskets, telescoping handlebars and safety features like wrist strap and 5-point harness.