Cape Cod is a peninsula off the state of Massachusetts and is shaped like a hook and is a very popular destination for summertime vacations. Cape Cod has many picturesque and charming:
- Lighthouses
- Villages
- Seafood shacks
- Bays and ponds
- Ocean beaches
The largest town is Hyannis where the museum for John F. Kennedy is the first place to stop on what is called the “Kennedy Legacy Trail” going through the downtown area, where there are ferries departing for the resort islands of Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard.
Vacation spots
One of the world’s most well-known vacation spots during the summer, Cape Cod is famous for:
- Beautiful beaches
- Laid-back lifestyles
- Connection to the Kennedys
You need to plan on taking day trips to visit Martha’s Vineyard or to visit Newport, Rhode Island and can even stay in Woods Hole or Falmouth which is right at the southwestern tip of Cape Cod. Falmouth is one town on Cape Cod called a walking town due to it having a long Main Street and has lots of great restaurants and shops.
On the ocean side of Cape Cod, there are beaches where the water will be rougher and colder than on the side of Cape Cod Bay. These ocean beaches offer many opportunities for the board as well as body surfing, boggie boarding and of course swimming. Surfing is permitted at the town beaches outside of the areas for swimming.
In these small towns, everyone can find great places to shop for souvenirs and antiques as well as many places that sell the famous Cape Cod hats. Cape Cod Instra Caps are quite well-known and can be found in any of these small towns. But the best place to find these Cape Cod Hats is on the internet at a website that sells all the souvenirs you would want to shop for. You can buy your souvenirs after you get home and you don’t have to haul a lot of excess stuff around while vacationing.