Online Shopping

Home essentials ecommerce management the mistakes everyone should avoid


Selling enamel cookware in Singapore and other household essentials is a rewarding experience. You provide these items of convenience to other people and help them live a lifestyle they have not imagined. However, the challenge is doing these things online because running an e-commerce website and implementing proper channel managementtechniques for growth and success can be demanding.

Deliver more than you promised, and provide your customers with the best essentials they could ever imagine. Here are the e-commerce mistakes you should avoid.


You might be thinking, what does branding have to do with selling newborn diapers and wet wipes in Singapore? The purpose of having clear brand guidelines is to standardise everything in the company. For example, your paper bags, packaging tools, and other materials have to adopt specific visual elements. It can be using green tones for sustainable companies, neutrals for luxury brands, or anything that resonates with the business.

The solution is to, of course, set a guideline. You do not have to complicate things for everyone because all it takes is to assign the colour schemes and the typography techniques. (Tip: If you already have one, mention it to the total solution provider company to implement this on websites and other digital products.)


Visuals are superior in website design and channel management in Singapore. Mixing the right colours means letting people appreciate beautiful things while achieving business goals with cognitive science in mind. Another is the importance of making an impression because the website introduces the products and services to its customers.

Never disregard the importance of visuals by hiring a user interface (UI) designer to achieve your goals. They focus on the appropriate mixture of elements, implementing your prescribed branding techniques, and proper information architecture to organise your inventory of enamel cookwareand other home essentials.


Presenting a beautiful website to customers that shows your best enamel cookware and useful wet wipes in Singapore can only do so much. Most businesses are guilty of disregarding the importance of user experience (UX) design because of their emphasis on visual elements. Another is the lack of planning and knowledge about this promising industry.

If the total solution provider company does not include UX design services, hire a separate professional to optimise your website into a user-friendly haven. They follow a specialised design process that involves research, testing, prototyping, and other techniques to arrive at a feasible solution that works for you.


Most e-commerce operators are usually resellers. They purchase consumer goods from reputable brands and sell them for profit or provide a unified space for customers to buy these items. One mistake is presenting inaccurate product information, such as the weight of wet wipes in Singapore or the number of newborn diapers in one pack.

The solution is to, of course, make sure everything is accurate. Check with the supplier or manufacturer for the product details or examine with your channel managementteam. You should also add disclaimers that indicate products may change without prior notice.



It does not mean literally talking with the customers every time they visit the website to buy enamel cookware in Singapore and other home necessities. Aside from the problems of having a lacklustre and difficult-to-use website, they often show a lack of communication that is effective for building a healthy client relationship.

You can either use visually-appealing media to invoke their attention or reinvent your e-mail marketing techniques for a more personalised feel. Inform them of the latest promotions for an aroma diffuser oil or the latest wet wipesthat are useful in eliminating harmful germs and bacteria.


Proper channel managementand executing your digital strategies rely on people and their skills. You need to have the appropriate number of workers to make things possible for you, ensure they deliver their promises, and avoid combining two jobs. Some e-commerce companies are unknowingly understaffing, so prevent doing that at all costs.

Hiring the appropriate number of staff is obviously the solution. Analyse and weigh the amount of work your company needs, consult with a total solution provider agency and learn more about your operations. An example would be establishing a UI and UX design team instead of hiring one professional who will wear two hats.


An e-commerce business also has operations outside its website and other digital products. Owners usually forget about this because they think focusing on their online efforts is enough. On the contrary, having an organised inventory to boot is an asset. All employees no longer have to worry about inaccurate stocks of wet wipes in Singaporeor the deteriorating quality of their enamel cookwaredue to storage.

So what do you need to do? Meet the storage demands of your household essentials by prioritising the safety and quality of your warehouse. Another is to have a unified platform and proper channel management to sync the inventory to your website.


You have a customer complaining about packaging during transit and damaged items, unresponsive couriers and the lack of updates regarding shipment, and packages not arriving on time as indicated in the e-commerce invoice. Some cases are not on the end of the channel management and total solution provider company, but it would help to optimise these things for the benefit of the business.

First, choose the suitable courier service company that serves your area of operation and ensure they have the best and most secure packaging techniques. Of course, you want the enamel cookware and wet wipesto arrive in their best condition. The second solution is to give regular updates to customers and ask for reviews to help you narrow down what needs to be improved.


Kyndle Pte Ltd is a channel management and total solution provider for clients who wish to reinvent their e-commerce websites. Once they have hired these services, gone are the days when they worry about damaging enamel cookwareduring transit or expiring aroma diffuser oil in the warehouse. Visit their website to learn more about their services.